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​Coronary CTA Exam

Stay in charge of your heart health with a comprehensive coronary scan. 

Coronary computed tomography angiography (CTA) scans are redefining the way modern medicine approaches heart health. USA Longevity Centers provides a comprehensive Coronary CTA exam using state-of-the-art CT scan equipment. This specialized longevity exam plays a key role in coronary artery disease detection and heart disease prevention. 

If you’re at risk for coronary artery disease because of your age, lifestyle, family history, or health history, a CCTA exam can put you back in the driver’s seat and on a path toward better health. 

Instead of worrying whether you’re at risk of a heart attack or other potentially fatal heart issues, get the information you need to take care of your health and live longer at USA Longevity Centers. Book a CCTA test near you today. 

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Heart Disease in the United States

Taking steps to prevent heart disease is one of the most important things you can do for your health and longevity. To get an idea of how serious staying on top of heart health is, take a look at these statistics from the CDC:

    • Approximately 20% of deaths in America are caused by heart disease. 
    • One person in the US dies every 33 seconds because of cardiovascular disease. 
    • Every year, over 800,000 people have a heart attack.

Heart disease is still the leading cause of death in the United States. But it doesn’t have to be. With today’s imaging technology, it’s possible to gain a precise understanding of your heart disease risk so you can take steps to improve your health. 

What Our Coronary CTA Exam Shows

Our CCTA exam looks at the coronary arteries, which are the arteries that bring blood to the heart. Because we’re able to generate extremely high-quality three-dimensional medical images during a scan, we can find out important details, such as how narrowed or blocked your arteries are and signs of an aortic aneurysm.

Our radiologists can see blockages that are still too small to show up in a standard blood test. We can also detect calcium deposits and determine the amount of plaque build-up along artery walls. 

The benefit of a comprehensive coronary evaluation using medical imaging is that you find out whether you are at risk of coronary artery disease, giving you peace of mind. After your exam, your primary care physician or other members of your medical team can use that information to create a personalized plan for better heart health.

Who Is a Good Candidate for a CCTA Exam?

A coronary CTA exam is a useful preventative diagnostic tool for any adult concerned about their future heart health. 

Because this scan can identify issues that aren’t likely to show up in routine testing, it offers the reassurance and confidence you won’t get anywhere else. A CCTA scan can also fill in the gaps left by other tests that provide inconclusive or unclear results, such as a stress test or blood testing.

You might also benefit from a coronary artery scan if you:

    • Fall into a high-risk category but haven’t noticed symptoms of heart problems, such as chest pain and fatigue while exercising.
    • Have symptoms of coronary artery disease but don’t meet standard risk criteria, such as being overweight, over age 65, or having a family history of heart disease.

A Coronary CTA exam at USA Longevity Centers offers answers that can help you take better care of your well-being and possibly prolong your life. 

Schedule a Comprehensive Coronary Evaluation at USA Longevity Centers

Heart disease is a major cause of death in the United States and has been since 1950. But the reality is that many cardiovascular fatalities are preventable.

Getting an accurate picture of your heart health is the first step to understanding where you stand. Once you know whether your coronary arteries are blocked, narrowed, or healthy, you can work with your doctor to improve your health.

Stop wondering about your future. Schedule an appointment at a longevity center near you.

Book Your Coronary CTA Exam Online or Call (855) 681-3653.

Frequently Asked Questions About CCTA Scans

Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions we get about our coronary CTA exams. 

How accurate is a CTA of the heart?

Because we use industry-leading equipment, we’re able to achieve extremely high diagnostic accuracy. We use a 128-slice Philips Incisive CT scanner for our longevity exams.

How much radiation is a cardiac CTA?

At USA Longevity Centers, we follow a low-dose scan protocol and software enhancement to minimize radiation exposure by 85%. You’re exposed to more radiation when you stand in direct sunlight than during your coronary CTA exam.

How long does a coronary artery scan take?

The scan itself takes about five minutes, and the entire appointment will take anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes. 

Does insurance cover CCTA scans?

Most insurance providers don’t cover preventative CT scans. However, because of the benefits, many individuals choose to get coronary CTA scans. In fact, some people use regular longevity exams to stay on top of their well-being. 

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