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Low-Dose CT Scan

Get peace of mind with a low-dose lung CT scan at USA Longevity Centers.

A low-dose computed tomography scan, also known as am LDCT screening, can identify lung cancer when it’s still curable. 

USA Longevity Centers offers lung cancer screening using advanced CT scan equipment. We make early detection for lung cancer safe and accessible for anyone concerned about their future health. 

With today’s screening technology, you don’t have to worry about lung cancer. Make an appointment for a low-dose lung CT scan at USA Longevity Centers today. 

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Lung Cancer in the United States

Lung cancer takes more lives in the US than any other type of cancer.

The reason for the high fatality rate?

Most people don’t know they have lung cancer until it’s too advanced to treat.

    • Lung cancer accounts for one in five cancer deaths in the US each year. 
    • Every year, over 230,000 new cases of lung cancer are diagnosed, and approximately 120,000 Americans die from this disease. 
    • One out of every 16 men and 17 women will develop lung cancer in their lifetime. 

While lung cancer continues to be the most deadly cancer in America, two factors are bringing down the numbers. For one, fewer people are smoking. But equally vital, advances in early detection and treatment are helping to save lives.

At USA Longevity Centers, we’re empowering people to get the early treatment that can help prolong their life by specializing in longevity screenings. Our low-dose lung cancer scan is a non-invasive, five-minute procedure that can help to protect you from this deadly disease. 

How Our Lung Cancer CT Screening Works

Our LDCT screening works by detecting abnormalities in lung tissue. Even if you don’t notice the traditional signs of lung cancer, such as a persistent cough, repeat chest infections, and chest or shoulder pain, a CT scan will reveal whether or not there’s a tumor forming. A lung cancer CT screening can also detect signs of other lung conditions, such as emphysema.

We use the newest CT scan technology to create detailed images, which are evaluated by our team of skilled radiologists. After your exam at our longevity center, your doctor will have access to the results so they can get you started on necessary treatment — or give you peace of mind that you’re lung cancer free. 

Who Should Consider a Low-Dose CT Scan?

The primary factor that increases an individual’s risk for lung cancer is smoking. But age plays a role as well — most people who are diagnosed with lung cancer are 65 or older, and the average age of diagnosis is 70.

However, that doesn’t mean early-stage lung cancer can’t begin developing in your early 60s or 50s. Also, a very small number of individuals are diagnosed before the age of 45.

According to the US Preventative Services Task Force, people between the ages of 50 and 80 and who meet the following criteria should consider an annual low-dose CT scan:

    • A 20 pack-year smoking history (the number of years you smoked multiplied by the average number of packs you smoked a day is your “pack-year”)
    • Smoke currently or quit within the past 15 years

With our low-dose lung cancer exam, you benefit from an accurate, detailed test. After your doctor sees the results, you’ll be able to get further testing or early treatment, if necessary.

Schedule a Low-Dose Lung Cancer Scan at USA Longevity Centers

When it comes to a disease as deadly as lung cancer, being proactive now can help protect your future well-being.

Visit one of our state-of-the-art facilities for your lung cancer screening. We combine advanced technology with an experienced team of technologists and skilled radiologists to provide accurate results. 

Get the peace of mind you deserve — book an exam today!

Book a Lung Cancer ST Exam Online or Call (855) 681-3653.

Frequently Asked Questions About CT Scans for Lung Cancer

Learn more about our LDCT scans by reading answers to our most frequently asked questions. 

Is a lung cancer CT scan safe?

We use low-dose CT scans to make early disease detection for lung cancer as safe as possible. We also use special protocols and software enhancements to reduce the radiation dose even further, which means your CT scan will expose you to about the same amount of radiation you’d receive naturally from standing in the sunlight. 

The procedure is also painless and fast. The scan takes about five minutes and your appointment won’t take more than 30 or 40 minutes. 

How long does it take to receive lung cancer screening results?

The results will be ready within 24 hours. 

When should someone screen for lung cancer?

If you meet the US Preventative Services Task Force criteria, you can screen for lung cancer every year.

A low-dose lung cancer screening is also worth considering if you’re at a higher risk because of a family history of lung cancer or other factors, such as some tobacco smoking. Smoking is linked with 80% to 90% of lung cancer deaths, and people who smoke are 15 to 30 times more likely to die from lung cancer than non-smokers. 

Where can I get a lung cancer screening?

You can get a low-dose lung cancer scan at any of our longevity centers. We have locations in New York and Illinois. 

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